With great regret and sadness we inform you today that we have to postpone the premiere of the SunIce Festival to 2022.
During the last months we have worked out extensive protection concepts and planned various forms of a realization. We hoped until the very end that we would be able to bring the SunIce Festival to life with you this March. The great uncertainty regarding the pandemic and the existing regulations for large events forced us to make this difficult decision. The current legal framework in Switzerland does not allow the SunIce Festival to take place in 2021.
We are disappointed and infinitely sad that we will not be able to hold the long-awaited premiere, which we have all been working on with so much passion and enthusiasm for almost three years, again this year. As much as we would like to change the current situation, unfortunately our hands are tied because of the pandemic, and therefore, we are forced to postpone the festival once more.

Purchased Tickets

All tickets already purchased remain valid and will be automatically transferred to next year.

Date SunIce 2022 – Save the date

The premiere of the SunIce Festival will happen from at season end 2022

We thank each and everyone for your continuous support during these difficult times and are very much looking forward to finally welcoming you next year at the premiere of the SunIce Festival!

Until then, all the best – Your SunIce Organizing Committee